CHANEL is definitely one of the hottest handbag brands right now and my personal obsession with it has never faded. This handbag review will compare authentic CHANEL handbags and replica CHANEL handbags.
The interior labels of both bags. Some CHANELs (even authentic ones) have printed labels, while others have colored labels. When I took the photo of the replica bag’s label, the camera was a little dark, so it was a little hard to see, but the font size and “Made in France” on the label were exactly the same as on the authentic CHANEL.
Below are some close ups of the buttons on both bags. As you can see, the buttons are identical, if anything the buttons on the replica bag look a bit more silvery than the authentic CHANEL buttons.
The zipper on the Chanel bag is also almost identical. I can't find any other Chanel handbags to compare the lettering to, so I'm not sure if the replica closure is completely wrong or based on a different (older) handle design.
The leather of both bags is shown in the pictures and you can see that there is no difference between them. From the back, both bags are almost identical with every detail of stitching done very fine. The interior of both bags are shown below. The authentic bag has a smooth leather interior while the replica CHANEL bag has a suede interior. Again, I am not sure if the smooth interior is standard for all CHANEL luggage
The logo stamp on the front of both nanos (genuine and replica) is identical. The font and size are the same, as you can see, so no giveaways here!
The picture above is an original ad for an authentic CHANEL from the official website, and I must admit, this product is damn good (I’m a huge CHANEL fan!). However, considering the price difference between the authentic ($10,800) and the replica bag ($188), it seems like the replica makers really took this design to the extreme! The key difference I would point out is that the handles on the replica bag seem to be a little bigger, but not enough to see in person. I hope this guide is helpful to replica buyers who want to buy CHANEL handbags (so they know how to buy a high-quality bag) as well as people who want to buy the authentic but don’t want to be scammed into buying a replica CHANEL at the authentic price! Feel free to comment below and let me know if you would buy an authentic or replica CHANEL bag!